Saturday, October 22, 2005

The Short-Sighted Synod

The Synod of [Roman Catholic] Bishops has been convened recently to re-examine the Church's doctrine regarding the Holy Eucharist and addressed also, among other things, the acute shortage of priests in the Church. In the end, the 250 bishops from around the world gathered at Vatican City to affirm the status quo.

I grew up Catholic and were it not for my poor attitude early on, I would still be a Catholic. It has been difficult to attend Mass, however, while priests have announced that the church I happen to be visiting at the time had been assessed "x" number of dollars as their portion to pay toward the abuse scandal settlements. I have been grieved in watching my beloved Church suffer so at the hands of a select few who have done more damage than can possibly be fully measured. Now it seems that the bishops are not so serious about addressing something that is relatively recent as a tradition and having no apparent foundation in Scripture: the celibacy of the priest.

Far be it from me to attack the Church; I am in no position to do so. It must be noted, however, that this shortage of priests will not take care of itself. For those of you who might be tempted to suggest that married priests will do away with the scandal thing, I ask that you not go there without data to support that very dubious claim. One need only look at the news to see that perversion is not an exclusively Catholic tradition though it is, indeed, universal.


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