Monday, March 11, 2013

A Thought for Monday 3/11/13

“Know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God who keeps covenant and mercy for a thousand generations with those who love Him and keep His commandments.”  Deuteronomy 7:9

Moses was reminding the people of Israel that they have a special place in the Lord’s heart for the sake of His covenant to Abraham; the covenant carried on through Isaac and Jacob in which the Lord promised to deliver His people to a special place – the Promised Land.  And even through the New Covenant in Messiah, the same essential component of this covenant is still in place: we keep His commandments as “the Way” of Messiah, and He will see us all the way home.

We must not allow loosely (and carelessly) translated New Testament ideals convince us that keeping and obeying our Lord’s Law is being “legalistic”.  Rather we must understand that from the beginning when the Lord spoke to humanity in the Garden of Eden, His word is eternal and absolute.  Jesus reminds us that we prove our love for Him when we “obey” His commandments.  And if Jesus is God incarnate, the same “commandments” are still in place from the Almighty who “does not change”.  The Law of the Lord is how we distinguish ourselves from the rest of the world, and the Law is how we come to understand what it means and what it takes to live in community with one another – AND our unbelieving neighbors.  Living as though we truly believe the Word of the Lord is the only way others will be able to see the joy and experience the hope we know is present in our Lord and His covenant.

It is why Israel was called forth from Egypt, and it is why the Holy Spirit of the Living God calls us forth in Messiah; to tell the Story and invite others into our Lord’s community.


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