Sunday, November 18, 2018

The End is the Beginning

18 November 2018

Daniel 12:1-13; Mark 13:1-8

As we approach the season of Advent, especially in light of the Letters to the Seven Churches, there are several things we must bear in mind – not least of which is that “Advent” means “coming”, so the principle of Advent is not strictly related to a countdown to Christmas since Christ has already been born.  It has more to do with the prophets and the content of the Letters.  And I think since we do more to emphasize the birth of Messiah rather than learn to await His return, it is much easier to let it go once Christmas has passed.

We will remember and celebrate the birth of Messiah as we become more mindful of our Father’s profoundly generous heart.  When Easter rolls back around, we will celebrate His Resurrection in remembering The Eternal Word cannot be destroyed, and those who live in and abide by The Word will be raised with Him.  So the Church must never forget the reality and the mystery of our faith: Christ has died, Christ has risen, Christ will come again”.  And He is “coming” not to “deal with sin but to bring salvation to those who eagerly wait for Him” (Hebrews 9:28).

While this is wondrous news for those who are “found written in The Book” (Daniel 12:1), even these must be aware of the challenging days ahead; days we cannot begin to comprehend, yet days we must be prepared to withstand.  These are days in which we will be tested and tempted as Jesus Himself was tested and tempted in the wilderness, days we must endure as we “go on to perfection” (Hebrews 6:1). 

And we cannot be made ready to face these days – days which may already be upon us - if our theology is neglectful or all marshmallows, fuzzy puppies, pulpit clowns, and magic prayers.  Jesus did not spare His disciples these ominous warnings; so if our Lord determined they needed to hear it, He has determined we need to hear it.

I remember the old “Omen” movie in which the boy Damien was being taken to church by his parents, maybe to be baptized (I don’t remember exactly why they were going).  Damien was only a toddler and may not have been fully aware of who he was at such a young age (the antichrist); but the nearer they came to the church, the more distressed he became.  When they pulled up to the front of the church and tried to get out of the car, Damien reacted and resisted violently. 

I share that to share this: I perceive that the nearer the time for the Return of our Lord, the more violent the godless world will become.  I perceive that the closer evil is to facing The Judgment, the harder it will fight back and resist – because its end is near.  Yet as we “wait” for The Lord, we must be on our guard not to get caught up in the world’s conflicts lest we lose ourselves – and our souls – in the mix.

Many have apocalyptic visions of the coming days as a time to arm themselves, to store food, to hide in the wilderness or build underground bunkers and be prepared to protect and defend themselves.  These “doomsday practitioners” (perhaps also we) fail to realize that when evil is faced and dealt with on its own destructive terms, we become evil ourselves.  We fail to appreciate that when those days are upon us, our human efforts to stop them will be in vain and will count for nothing.  How we will choose to respond will be the mark and measure of our faith beyond merely believing a thing.

This is no time to panic or to be anxious, however.  Our Lord says as much Himself; “Do not be alarmed; this must take place, but the end is still to come … this is but the beginning of the birth pangs” (Mark 13:7,8).

Do we really trust Him?

Note that our Shepherd did not say “death” pangs but “birth” pangs, the beginning of “promise”, the beginning of “potential”, the beginning … of LIFE!  Our apocalyptic visions of “doomsday” are inaccurate, perhaps even complete lies by the “father of lies” himself (John 8:44) intended to distract us from our Lord’s assurance that “these things must take place”.  The “father of lies” will try to convince us these things don’t have to take place … if we just go along.  Our Savior, our Shepherd says these things must take place”.  And we must not get caught up in it.

These challenging days, however, are not the beginning of the end, but these days will certainly thin the herd and determine who has the faith to “eagerly wait for The Lord” in faithfulness rather than in theory.  It will almost certainly be the end of “emotional” Christianity by which I mean those who follow Christ only when things are going their own way, when life is good, when their personal desires are met, as long as there is plenty of money – as long as “my” will rather than “Thy” will be done.  When their emotions turn sour, however, when life gets in the way as it always does, suddenly The Lord either does not love … or does not exist.

So The Lord is deliberate and purposeful in speaking not only through Daniel and the other prophets but also through the Messiah Himself that “these things must take place” – not only because The Lord has decreed it for our testing but because evil will do what it takes to survive. 

We are also warned these threats may come from within; that “false messiahs and false prophets will appear and will produce signs and omens, to lead astray (if possible) the elect.  But be alert; I have already told you everything” (Mark 13:22-23).

No secrets.  No surprises.  It’s just The Lord’s Word and those who trust Him.  It is all important enough that The Lord has revealed these things from long ago so that when (not if) these things are upon us, we may be assured our God has not abandoned us nor has He been defeated!  Had we not been made aware of these things beforehand, we might be inclined to believe our Holy Father really does not care and would leave us to figure it all out for ourselves. 

Yet “The Word became flesh and dwelt among us” so we would be able not only to comprehend the reality of what we must face – but so we may also comprehend the depth of our Father’s Love for His creation.  Sometimes The Truth seems dark and foreboding, but think about it like this: a first-grader cannot suddenly graduate from high school because the child is not prepared and has not been prepared.  Neither can we jump immediately from baptism to Heaven’s Gate without being prepared for life in the Kingdom.  And this requires “testing”.

As the “beginning of birth pangs” is upon us, we will witness Glory like we’ve never seen before.  We will see our God and Father in action!  We will witness for ourselves the Messiah descending to us as He ascended to The Father, “coming down from heaven with a shout, with the voice of the archangel and the trumpet call of God” (1 Thessalonians 4:16)!

‘I want you with Me’, our Father will call; ‘it’s time to come Home’.  Amen.

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