Sunday, April 02, 2006

More on "Repent from What?

Well, I guess I should have seen it coming. This post is linked to an MSN story which reports that the Vatican expects royalties from papal writings. That is to say, the wisdom of the pope seems to be for sale. That is to say, papal writings which has always attended church doctrine with practical application with a gospel perspective cannot be reprinted without royalties being paid.

I'm not exactly sure how I feel about this. I do recognize that there are expenses related to printing, but I'm not sure that a royalty payment is directly related to production expenses. I am not so sure that priests should be "moonlighting" for extra cash. Besides, does the Vatican have exclusive claim to what is written by a pope? After all, it is the Vatican that is demanding royalty payments presumably for encyclicals, a papal declaration of church teaching.

What do you think?

1 comment:

John said...

How much back royalties do we owe God for the Bible?