Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Learning Something New

I have finally figured out that I am a Wesleyan. A classic liberal (egads! I wish I knew what that meant!!). A postmodern (is this healthy?). Good grief. Does this now mean that I hate commerce, free trade, and believe that Ted Kennedy, et al, is the salvation of the United States? Does this mean that I may have to change my party affiliation? Does this mean that I must now rethink everything I thought I believed?

I guess I can take some comfort in my low "fundamentalist" and "modern liberal" score. I still wish I knew more about these answers and what they really mean.

I suppose the more I try to evaluate what I really believe, the more confused I become. It may be that I and many others are trying desperately to fit ourselves into some sort of pre-conceived mold by which we may more accurately describe ourselves if or when we are ever confronted by boards that may ask us what we believe. Do I have intentions of rethinking some of my core values and beliefs simply because I don't care much for the answers I got? I think not. On the whole, however, I can be pretty satisfied with what I see except for one tiny detail: why should I care how some poll folds my box?


Anonymous said...

Evangelical Holines Weslyan 88%
Reformed Evangelical 79%
Fundamentalist 68%
Neo orthodox 61%
Emergent/Postmodern 48%
Classical Liberal 38%
Roman Catholic 25%
Charismatic/Pentocostal 21%
Modern Liberal 18%

John said...

What were your scores? Do you still have all of the numbers?

Michael said...

I had it posted at one time but not correctly, so I ended up getting rid of the whole thing. My evangelical wesleyan was through the roof, Classical liberal was 75%; so was Roman Catholic. Modern liberal was less than 20%. If I recall, my Emergent/Postmodern was around 65%.