Wednesday, January 04, 2006

What do Pastors Want?

In light of my previous post about concerns within the church and how I fit in or not, I thought I would also ask a question that will hopefully generate some response because I really want to know what others are thinking.

I am convinced that there are some who are gifted for the pastoral ministry and those who are gifted for the preaching ministry. I have known some who were exceptional pastors who were horrid preachers. By the same token, I have known some outstanding preachers who would have no business being pastors. Each is a gift in its own right, and not everyone is suited for either/or.

I have, at least for now, answered my own question about whether to continue as a part-time pastor. I am employed full-time in a secular position of responsibility that virtually consumes me. I am also a part-time/full-time college student working to finish my undergraduate degree. It occurred to me that my church and my family barely figure into the mix, and both deserve more consideration from me. The truth is, I cannot handle them all at once. There are only so many hours in a week, and I've run out of time.

I've known this for quite some time, but I always figured that I could somehow manage. I did not want to admit failure or defeat, but it really started to come home for me when I nearly failed a class because I was not able to put the time into it that it required.

Beyond that, what drove me to keep up this pace? Why was it so important that I continue to be a pastor? What was I seeking? Is it to fulfill a "calling"? Somehow I felt that resigning my pastorate would be cheating the Lord. Actually, I continued not necessarily for a love of Christ as for a debt that can never be fully paid.

What drives other pastors? What compels a student to borrow thousands of dollars to get a seminary degree and come out with what is for some a crushing debt? Surely there are enough passionate and ambitious pastors out there who want "more", the very "more" that I have difficulty defining.

For others, what do you seek in a pastor? Do you require a charismatic speaker, or do you need a shepherd? Do you need a friend, or do you want a leader and teacher? What can a pastor do to "feed Christ's sheep"?

Why do we do this? What would you ask of us?


Anonymous said...

I pastor and preach/teach because I know that if I did not, I would not be fulfilled. I was once told, "Only become a pastor if there is absolutely nothing else in this world you can be happy doing." I know there is nothing else for me.

Do I work myself too hard? Too early for me to tell. My grandfather was a pastor of a very large suburban UMC from the 60's til 1982, and he worked 70 hours a week to build that church. I am far from that - I am an elder in a full time appointment, and probably do 40 - 45 hours a week.

Michael said...

I'm a part-time licensed pastor. It's reached a point where I have to make some difficult choices, one of which is to resign my church at least until I finish school. What the DCoM will do with my notice is anyone's guess.

Thank you for your comments.