Monday, August 20, 2012

A Thought

“Live joyfully with the [spouse] whom you love all the days of your vain life which [the Lord] has given you under the sun, all your days of vanity; for that is your portion in life, and in the labor which you perform under the sun.”  Ecclesiastes 9:9

The Scriptures say ‘only a fool follows his own heart’ (Proverb 28:26a), and the Love Dare© challenge says the intentional Christian “leads” his own heart.  That is, we do not according to what seems right or feels right in the moment; rather we do according to what our dear Lord has taught us and continues to teach us through the written Word and by the witness of His Spirit (and by the way, they will not contradict one another!).  We control our impulses.

Our primary human relationship is that of the relationship between husband and wife.  It is through this relationship that others see the value and the nature of the relationship between Christ Jesus and the Holy Church.  The writer is reminding us that even though life is fleeting and much of what we do will produce little of any lasting value (the “legacy” many of us seek after), the one thing we do have that extends beyond itself is the sacred union between a husband and his wife; just as the sacred nature of the relationship between Christ and the Church by its very nature extends beyond itself as a witness to all things good and lasting.  It is how our children learn to love and to live.

Cherish your spouses.  “Live joyfully” with the one you vowed to the Holy God to love all the days of your life.  For there is not much more in this life worth holding onto.


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